Dog Bites
Being attacked by a dog is a traumatic event. People attacked by dogs often times carry both mental and physical scars from the experience for the balance of their lives. Sadly, despite knowing of the very significant risk posed by dog bites in the United States, it still happens on a surprisingly frequent basis. Available statistics show that in 2016 alone there were 31 fatalities in the United States from dog bites. Statistics also show that there are approximately 4.5 million dog bites each year in the United States. In 2015 28,000 people underwent reconstructive surgery as a result of being bitten by dogs.
The above statistics (which are just a sampling) show that dog bites in the United States are a real problem. If you have been bitten by a dog you are not alone and are entitled to compensation.

The law in California is very favorable to victims of dog bites. If you have been bitten by a dog, subject to certain limitations, the dog owner is responsible for your injuries, including;
The law in California is very favorable to victims of dog bites. If you have been bitten by a dog, subject to certain limitations, the dog owner is responsible for your injuries, including;
Each of these factors needs to be properly addressed through the use of Expert Witnesses and proper Demonstrative Exhibits.
To properly construct a Dog Bite case it is important that a lawyer be involved as soon as possible after the incident. Key factors include:
We recognize how serious and life altering a dog bit attack can be. We have handled many dog bite cases, each to a successful conclusion. The key to success is a lawyer who knows what steps need to be taken and is willing to take those steps. As with any legal case, getting the lawyer involved as soon as possible after the incident is key.