Types of Cases
Savary APC is primarily focused on helping individuals obtain justice in the form of fair and proper compensation.
“Auto Accidents” is a very broad term which includes, but is not limited to the traditional auto v. auto accident, multiple automobile accidents such as a pile up on the freeway, auto v. pedestrian where a car strikes someone walking on the street, commonly at an intersection, auto v. bicycle accidents where a bike rider is struck by a car, bus or other vehicle, semi-truck/big rig v. auto, motorcycle accidents. Since 2007 Savary APC has handled hundreds of auto accidents each to a successful conclusion.
One of the absolute worst things that can happen to anyone is the loss of a loved one. When that loss is the result of another’s actions and the loss could have been avoided, people find themselves looking for answers. We recognize that grieving the loss of a loved one is a difficult and long process. We are sensitive to this reality. If needed, we can refer you to individuals who will help counsel you in the grieving process.
Being attacked by a dog is a traumatic event. People attacked by dogs often times carry both mental and physical scars from the experience for the balance of their lives. Sadly, despite knowing of the very significant risk posed by dog bites in the United States, it still happens on a surprisingly frequent basis. Available statistics show that in 2016 alone there were 31 fatalities in the United States from dog bites. Statistics also show that there are approximately 4.5 million dog bites each year in the United States. In 2015 28,000 people underwent reconstructive surgery as a result of being bitten by dogs.
Being physically attacked is a traumatic event. Whether by a stranger or someone you know the injury, pain, violation of personal space and complete disregard for the rules of the society we live in, can be devastating.
There a couple of key elements for any case involving a physical assault.
The first element is identifying the assailant. Often times the assailant is an individual with little to no assets or insurance coverage. Many times the inquiry stops there (see second element);